268 Rue Napien, Bè-Klikamé Lomé contact@aklab.tg +228 99 13 27 27

The plan to provide your company with a website.

Providing your business with a website should not be a simple project and should be well thought out and well matured. Today, it is legion to see many companies whose websites disappear after a year. It is worth considering the reasons that led to this. Why do you want to create a website for your ...

Infographic and multimedia.

A company needs communication to make its products and services known to the public and images are essential elements for this mission. Today, social networks are essential and are cheaper and more affordable means for businesses to make themselves known, and there images are the means par excellenc...

Our courses.

Interesting training such as getting to know your operating system (Windows, linux, etc.), Word, Excel and PowerPoint. They are almost present in our daily life and we use them to do a lot of things. It’s about computers. Few have any knowledge of the PC including its operating system, Micro...

Mobile applications.

These are mobile applications available in playstore. The first allows members of a church or other gathering to follow their leader live, either by audio or video. The second allows members of the Association of Muslim Students and Students of Togo (AEEMT) to have real-time information publish...

Desktop applications.

These are therefore the applications that your young structure has already designed and put on the market. Indeed, AUMO is a learner assessment application developed for driving schools. Not only does it lighten the workload of instructors, but also puts learners in the exam bath. Easy and simple t...


These are websites created for companies from different fields ranging from companies like BOPTEL to ANAT associations for example and micro-finance structures such as MECIT. This means that AKLAB has competence in the field of creation for whatever type of site you are going to ask it to design for...

Excel for pros.

Excel is a software package from Microsoft office that has tremendous benefits for students, students and businesses alike. From simple calculations to programming to graphics, Excel is a powerful data processing tool. Unfortunately most people limit themselves to basic use of this tool.Unlike the i...