If yesterday common sense was the most shared thing in the world, today that seems to have changed, or at least in the process. Spy has grown to unbelievable proportions and many endpoint users including phones, tablets and computers are spied on on a daily basis most often and unfortunately without...
Additional information from WhatsApp on its new terms of service.
We remember the message that WhatsApp displayed to its users in its app on the phone regarding the update of its terms of service. Faced with the outcry that this message sparked, WhatsApp had to go back and postpone the entry into force of this new condition of use in May 2021. WhatsApp had justifi...
Leave whatsapp or stay?.
Leaving the WhatsApp social network or continuing with WhatsApp is the dilemma in which some users of this social network find themselves since January 4, 2021, when WhatsApp informed its users in Africa and America of its new terme of use which will soon become effective while others have not even ...
Is an app necessary for my business?.
According to the Wikipedia online encyclopedia, an application or an application or an app is, in the computer field, a program (or a set of software) directly used to perform a task, or a set of elementary tasks of a same domain or forming a whole. What will an application be used for for a compan...