268 Rue Napien, Bè-Klikamé Lomé contact@aklab.tg +228 99 13 27 27

Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia defines a website as a collection of pages that can be viewed by following hyperlinks within. Originally designed in 1989 to enable the sharing of information between scientists, the web has grown exponentially. Indeed, in 1991, the web had only one website. However, in 2014, three years later, there were 947,029,805 sites on the web and today more than 1,500,000,000. The web is taken by storm by any sector of activity: from communication to commerce to education, the website has established itself as an essential and well-suited tool. Today, almost all companies have it. A question arises: What is the point of a website for a company?

"Everything is changing and we have to live with our time", said Séyidou Badian. Yesterday the internet was a luxury, today a necessity. People are more and more connected and the web is becoming the place of planetary sharing par excellence. Everyone goes: from children to senior citizens; we meet all the socio-professional categories. It is therefore a powerful means of reaching almost everyone and with very insignificant financial means compared to those used to travel from one place to another either by motorbike, by car or by plane.

Indeed, the primary goal of a company is to make itself known, to make its products and services known to the whole world as much as possible in order to establish its reputation. It is this issue that officials have understood, hence the exponential increase in the number of websites on the world web.

Your business website allows everyone to have the information they need about you without having to travel. Once on the site, you can consult your prospectus or see the products and services you offer, your address, your opening hours.

Those who are looking for a product or service today prefer to do research on the internet, see the companies that offer this product or service, see the advantage linked to each of them, choose the company that has convinced him the most , enter into discussions with those in charge and even ask to have it delivered to your home. This means that companies that do not have a website are excluded. Their market share is considerably reduced for lack of a website. This explains the beautiful cloth in which some companies find themselves, whereas yesterday they had a notoriety in their market with a market share of over 70% and which today are threatened with bankruptcy because they have lost their customers because they could not adapt to change. They continue to rely on their traditional effective means of yesterday which are obsolete or ineffective today.

Providing your business with a website means creating another point of sale that is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. When you sleep and the doors of your physical businesses are carefully closed, your website gives you all the information. information necessary for Internet users, including your customers and prospects: they have all the information, they can request a quote, view all your products and services, request an appointment, place an order, etc. It can make the difference between your business and its competitors.

A website is also an efficient and inexpensive means of advertising. In fact, business leaders spend millions to make themselves known on radio and television. These are means which are expensive but which give little results. With these traditional means, it is difficult to assess their impact on its customers. However with a well-designed website, we can assess the impact it has on its customers to have details such as the products to consult the most, know the products or services that are of most interest to each of the Internet users who visit your website, his country of origin and others. For a decision-maker as well as a business manager, this is qualitative information he needs to better orient his commercial policy, favor the products most in demand in his orders. This will help him to put in place customer loyalty strategies including segmentation of his market for example among others.

At some point, the number of people who go to the physical company for information will drop considerably because the majority go through the site for their information, which will allow the company to reduce the printing of flyers and flyers.

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Is it just a business?

Created in 2020 by two young Togolese, AKLAB is a company specializing in the field of IT, more precisely in the web. [Read more]

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