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Everything evolves, websites too.

In 1991, the world wide web only recorded one website, but very quickly there has been a kind of boom on the web. Looks like websites sprout up like mushrooms after a rain. Beyond their exponential increase in number, many things have also changed concerning their functionality. Yesterday we talked ...

How do Internet users get to your website?.

Every serious business in the world today wants to have a website. It’s a pride to say my company has a "window" on the world wide web. However, the primary objective is to attract Internet users to your site in order to discover your company's products and services and convert them into custo...

Website or social networks?.

By social network, we mean an arrangement of links between individuals or organizations forming a community and today it is simply social media that allow exchanges between members of a community. According to data compiled and published in April 2020 by the agency We Are Social and Hootsuite, ther...

Community management.

Also called community animator, or community manager or community manager (CM), is a profession - community animation, community management, or community management - which consists in animating and federating communities on the Internet on behalf of 'a company, a brand, a celebrity, an institution ...

Who to entrust the creation of my website?.

Today in this business world, sites are more and more essential. Any business wants to carve out a place for itself on the web and often free website creation solutions are emerging, including web content management systems. Most entrepreneurs find themselves confused as to whom to entrust with the ...

Can we have a website for free?.

Having a website these days is no longer a big deal. However, it is also not negligible the effort that must be put into designing a quality one. So is a free website possible? There are many services on the web that offer you to create for you or with you a website quickly and without knowledge of...

Why a website to an entreprise for ?.

Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia defines a website as a collection of pages that can be viewed by following hyperlinks within. Originally designed in 1989 to enable the sharing of information between scientists, the web has grown exponentially. Indeed, in 1991, the web had only one website. Howeve...